Neueste Technology und modernes Design treffen bei den Lucasi Hybrid-Queues aufeinander.
Zero Flexpoint Oberteil für besondere Genauigkeit bei gleichzeitiger drastischer Verringerung der Abweichung.
Das gummierte Griffband sorgt für Stabilität und verringert die Übertragung von Schwingungen.
Original golf-style Torrent Red and metallic silver technology packed Hybrid with Sport G5 grip.
The game is going High-tech and don’t be left out. The Original hybrids were designed after the golf industry because of there vast similarities in technology. Billiards is catching up in the technology race and Lucasi hybrid is at the top. Start winning the Hybrid way.
Cue Details
Woods: Solid Maple
Joint: Implex with Uni-Loc®
Joint Rings: Stainless steel joint, black and single silver rings
Tip: Kamui Brown Leather Tip
Weight: 19oz
Butt construction: 4-piece for an extremely solid hit
Butt cap: Engraved stainless steel